Catalogue of training for Erasmus students
Module/subject | Number of lessons | Credit points |
Design and planning of plants | 354 | 22 |
Planting and maintenance of green areas | 124 | 10 |
Practical training | 400 | 13 |
Students may select one or more subjects or a module. In case of reduced number of lessons for the module/subject evaluation could be reduced in appropriate percentage.
Slovenski študenti za izobraževanje in usposabljanje v tujini lahko pridobijo po predhodnem dogovoru in uskladitvi predmetov ali modulov ustrezno število kreditnih točk. V prilogi diplome se vpiše izobraževanje in usposabljanje v tujini. Omogočena je tudi objava strokovnega članka.
Incoming students, who choose a subject or module, get the credits valued certificate of education and training. If they reduce the number of planned hours, the number of credit points is correspondingly reduced.