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Šola za hortikulturo in vizualne umetnosti Celje, Višja strokovna šola, Ljubljanska cesta 97, 3000 Celje

Dear students and visitors to our website.

We are a school that is always focused on the future, the concern for the preservation of horticulture in the Slovenian area, the concern for quality living culture in efforts to preserve and co-natural, cultural and urban landscape, in care of the interior design and exteriors, in care of promotion and sale of slovenian products and in this way promote commercial thinking in marketing.

We are a school of creative thinking and creative ideas into viable reality. Cooperation with employers at home and abroad enables us to do.

We have a quality post-secondary vocational program, excellent students, prosperous and friendly lecturers with colleagues and creative environment.

We are open to changes and new challenges.

Engineers horticulture through their work and creative ideas enrich the space and the environment.

Program Design visual communications and marketing facilitates the development of talent in the field of design, visual communication, marketing and searching for the challenges of modern times.

Nada Reberšek Natek
Contact: tel. +386 3 428 59 10